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Last update 09 September 2018

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Early Years Museums Post-War WWII Other
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Aircraft --> Portal -->  History --> Early Years
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  • A Bridge of Wings:  "The Commemorative Flight of the Rodina" 
  • The Distance Record Moscow - North Pole - USA.  In Russian only.
  • History of Aviation:  Russia.  Photos, drawings, and specs. Clicking on the photos provides additional photos to those when one clicks on the aircraft name in the left-hand frame.
  • Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives, Inc.
  • Red Star Catalinas
  • Russia until 1917 - The USSR - Russia and CIS.  This site is a collection of photos and information about rare or unusual aircraft, such as the MiG-8 canard design.  In Russian, but click on each link on the page for photos.
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    Aircraft --> Portal -->  History --> Post War
    Самолеты --> Портал -->История --> После войны

  • Berlin airlift.  Although Russian aviation related only because of thre era and location, the dropping of candy to the children of Berlin during the Berlin airlift is a story near and dear to my heart. I served under the "Candy Bomber" when he was commander of Templehof Central Airport, Berlin, in the early 1970s.  And in 1999, I had the pleasure of speaking with him during a Membrial Day service near my home.
  • The Candy Bomber.  Another page devoted to the "Candy Bomber."
  • The Center for the Study of Intelligence.  Includes an on-line paper about U-2 flights.
  • Chronicle of the Afghan War.  Some English.  Much more information in Russian.
  • Chronicle of a Dive Bomber.  In Russian only, but a large number of photos.  Click on lower, far right word for thumbnails.  Afghanistan.
  • CNN Cold War:  Interview with Gail Halvorsen
  • The Cold War International History Project.  CWIHP promotes research into and understanding of the Cold War.   Some of the released documents on this site are terrific!  Historians beware:  you won't be able to stop reading!
  • The Globe Air Texts.  In Russian only, with few photos, this site has articles about Viktor Belenko's defection to Japan in a MiG-25, the design of the engine for the Mi-26 helicopter, and several accident reports.
  • Russian Aircraft: From the Soviet Era On.  Part of the "Let's Find Out" site.
  • Russia until 1917 - The USSR - Russia and CIS.  This site is a collection of photos and information about rare or unusual aircraft, such as the MiG-8 canard design.  In Russian, but click on each link on the page for photos.
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    Aircraft --> Portal -->  History --> WWII
    Самолеты --> Портал -->История --> Великая отечественная война

  • 13th Base has a wonderful "library"  (he calls it a "bibliography") if you read Russian.  Articles about a number of aircraft are zipped for downloading.  They include drawings and photos.  At least one I looked at was in code page 866 font and should be changed to something more common.
  • Air Vectors  includes studies of the Petlyakov Pe-2 and of the Il-2 Shturmovik.  He recently added Yak Fighters
  • Allied Planes in Finnish AF in WWII, including Soviet aircraft in Finnish service
  • Fandal's WWII Aviation Archive. Several photos of WWII Soviet aircraft. 
  • The LA-5 from the Point of View of the Luftwaffe.  in Russian only, but a good line drawing.
  • PGmonster's Soviet Great Patriotic War aviation
  • Red Star,  Black Cross.  German and Russian fighter aces in combat.
  • Red Stars over Berlin, By Jon Guttman 
  • Russia until 1917 - The USSR - Russia and CIS.  This site is a collection of photos and information about rare or unusual aircraft, such as the MiG-8 canard design.  In Russian, but click on each link on the page for photos.
  •  The Soviet Air Fores on the Eve of and During the Great Patriotic War. In Russian only
  • Soviet Women Pilots in the Great Patriotic War
  • WWII through Russian Eyes
  • WWII USSR. Specs and photos of a few.
  • Yakovlev Fighters of the Great Patriotic War
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    Aircraft --> Portal -->  History --> Other
    Самолеты --> Портал -->История --> Другие

  • Arsenal.  Aрсенал.  The page for lovers of military history.  In Russian only, but look around for some good photos.  Really nice site if you read russian.
  • Czech Aviation History, including discussion of Soviet aircraft used. 
  • Day by Day in the Clear Blue SkyДЕНЬ ЗА ДНЕМ В НЕБЕ ГОЛУБОМ.  A history of aviation in Surgut.  In Russian Only 
  • The History Net's Aviation Technology page.  See especially their Additional Articles section.
  • Komsomol'sk-on-Amur Aviation Production Unit Factory History
  • RU.AVIATION Russian aviation news group. Also available via your favorite news reader and called You most definitely will need KOI-8 fonts to read the messages.



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