Cross Reference of Links to
A Brief History of the On-Site Inspection Agency

These links are arranged alphabetically, appearing as shown in the original text, with these exceptions:
personalities, although listed as shown in the text, are listed alphabetically by last name.
an entry for "Chronology" also is listed alphabetically. It will take the reader to an even more detailed arms control chronology than appears in the OSIA history.

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  1. arms control
  2. assist contractors in preparing for treaty on-site inspection teams
  3. President Bush
  4. CARE
  5. chemical weapons agreements (first cross reference)
  6. chemical weapons agreements (second cross reference)
  7. Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
  8. Chronology
  9. collapse of the Soviet Union caused widespread economic and social problems
  10. compliance with the terms
  11. Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty
  12. Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program
  13. 15 independent states
  14. Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev
  15. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
  16. hard-line Communists in the Soviet government attempted to overthrow President Gorbachev
  17. independent states
  18. Joint Chiefs of Staff
  19. linguists
  20. Lisbon Protocol of May 1992
  21. missile plant at Votkinsk
  22. monitor
  23. multilateral CFE Treaty
  24. NATO
  25. nuclear test
  26. nuclear testing treaties
  27. OC-135B
  28. On-Site Inspection Agency (OSIA)
  29. Open Skies Treaty
  30. Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty (PNET)
  31. General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  32. President Reagan
  33. reduce the chemical stockpiles
  34. reductions under the CFE Treaty did not eliminate all weapons
  35. Secretary of Defense
  36. Soviet inspectors in the United States
  37. START I Treaty
  38. START II Treaty
  39. State Department
  40. Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT)
  41. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
  42. UN Resolution 687
  43. U.S. assistance in the demilitarization of defense industries in the former Soviet Union
  44. visits to each other's chemical weapons facilities.
  45. Warsaw Pact
  46. Russian President Yeltsin

    Additional information related to on-site inspections and arms control, in no particular order.

  47. Treaty: On-Site Inspection
  48. OPEN-SKIES bulletin board.
  49. On-Site Inspection Research. Additional On-Site Inspection Research Information
  50. ARMS CONTROL. A short bibliography from the Armed Forces Staff College
  51. OVERVIEW OF THE CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION, by Edward A. Tanzman, presented to the Conference of the Committee of Legal Experts for National Implementing Measures for the Chemical Weapons Convention, The Hague, The Netherlands
  52. Chemical Weapons Destruction in Russia. A Joint-Project by: Bonn International Center for Conversion and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
  54. FORMER ENEMIES NOW OVERFLYING U.S. [Wire service report, 6/20/95]
  55. Three receive STEP promotions. The first report is about an OSIA-assignee.
  56. Mutual Assured Obstruction. How the START treaty disarms investigative journalists.
  57. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT, a peacetime role of the Army.
  58. EDGEWOOD ENTERPRISE SENDS TEAM TO RUSSIA and an OSIA interpreter was with them.
  59. Order books on Arms Control from the Government Printing Office.
  60. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WOMD) Primer
  61. watchdog of nuclear complianceAFTAC
  62. NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION: 1945 - 1995
  63. Jane's Defence Glossary of defence-related acronyms and abbreviations .
  64. FREEDOM FROM WAR. This document, with commentary, supposedly was drafted in 1962 or so. Readers should take it for what it is worth...
  65. History of Hanford Site DefenseProduction (Brief) by Michele S. Gerber, PhD
  66. THE OPEN SKIES TREATY, a Canadian view.
  67. Open Skies Program. Notes, plus a color photo of the OC-135 aircraft in flight.
  68. SAROS PORTABLE PROCESSORSynthetic Aperture Radar for Open Skies (SAROS) treaty verification system.
  69. Verification Technologies: Cooperative Aerial Surveillance in International Agreements
  70. Treaty on the Further Reduction and Limitation Of Strategic Offensive Arms (START II); Fact Sheet released on the WWW by the Bureau of Public Affairs, March 20, 1996
  71. Russian Duma report on the START II Treaty.
  72. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Reducing the Threat from the Former Soviet Union
  73. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Reducing the Threat From the Former Soviet Union: An Update
  74. Recent Developments in U.S.-Russian Cooperation in Nuclear Materials Security and Warhead Dismantlement
  75. U.S. Policy Toward the New Independent States: A Pragmatic Strategy Grounded in America's Fundamental Interests. Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
  76. CAN WE STOP THE SPREAD OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS? Hans Blix, Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency

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    Last update 06 April 2023.