Other Photographers

Air Force Audio Video Center

I have no idea who supplied me with these photos from the U.S. Air Force Audio Video Center. They were taken in the late 1970s.

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Teresa Cochrun

Photos by the older daughter, Teresa, that she took at the Easton, Maryland, airport show on 12 October 2024.

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Charles R. Compton

The late Charlie Compton was a colleague of mine. All of his photos appear to have been taken in the 1960s.

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This collection was photographed by someone I, sadly, have forgotten. All I have is his name, which I had written, on each slide. I don't even know his first name or how it was that we exchanged slides. If you are Hebrok and you see this note, please e-mail me and I will change this description.

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Tsunehiro Kouda

We exchanged a few slides around 1980 or so.

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Rob Mignard

I received a number of photos in the 1970s/early 1980s from Rob Mignard. These are his.

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Steve Miller

Steve Miller and I were acquainted as colleagues between 1977 and 1999. He provided me with the photos around 1980.

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Miscellaneous Photographers

The name of each photographer is included in the file name.

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Jim Neal

Jim Neal was a colleague of mine. He took these photos years ago. Sadly, I do not know the date or the location of the base.

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Rainer Niedree

Rainer Niedree of (West) Germany and I exchanged slides in the 1970s. He provided me with a number of photos from the Russian air museum an Monino which can be found in my Russian aircraft album at https://www.royfc.com/albums/USSR_acft/index.html.

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Ken Palmer

My friend Ken Palmer passed away shortly before Christmas, 2019. He photographed aircraft in Britain. We exchanged photos for many, many years. His photographs normally are far superior to mine.
Most of Ken's photos of USAF aircraft were taken at RAF Mildenhall while most of the other photos were taken at either Duxford or Old Warden.

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Bob Pickett

Photos by the late Robert J. Pickett, Wichita, Kansas. Bob was an employee of Cessna Aircraft. He sent me some very interesting photos over the years, many of which he received from Russian correspondents. Those can be found in the Russian album.

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Pete Upton

Pete Upton and I first met when he visited me when I was stationed in West Berlin. He also has given me a large set of black and white slides of American aircraft which I hope some day to scan and upload to this site.

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Unknown Photographers

For some reason, I do not know who gave me these photos.

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Gene Zorn

Gene Zorn and I were acquainted in the 1979-1981 timeframe when we exchanged a few photos and would visit the Naval side of the field at Andrews Air Force Base together.

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