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Grandpa Roy took a road trip to Scotland with your great grandparents, Great Grandma Teenie and Great Grandpa Chase, in July 1976.
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Along the Road

Sites and scenes not really visited.

5 images

Jedburgh Abbey

Jedburgh Abbey is a ruined Augustinian abbey founded in the 12th century. It is 10 miles north of the border with England.

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Loch Earn

Loch Earn is in the southern highlands of Scotland, in the districts of Perth and Kinross and Stirling.

3 images

Loch Tay

Loch Tay is the largest body of fresh water in Perth and Kinross, and the sixth largest loch in Scotland.

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Strathallan Aircraft Collection

Sadly, the Strathallan Aircraft Collection closed in 1990. There had been a show 4 days before Grandpa Roy's visit according to his notes. Research shows it was held on Saturday 17 July.
Visited on or about 21 July 1976.

41 images


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